Saturday, July 20, 2013

Angry with Society

Yes, I’m Angry with Society

Dear Girlfriend:

You stated that I appear to be angry. Well, yes, I am angry; angry with society!

Yes, I'm angry that children are being molested, raped, and victimized by those who is supposed to be trust-worthy; angry that the judicial system lacks stringent laws that will eliminate such a hideous and abominable crime.

Oh yes, I'm angry that one (with no health insurance) can be sick as a dog and are forced to go to the emergency room for help; but because there is no insurance, the emergency room does nothing for you; but send you a bill for hundreds of dollars for doing nothing! O' you will get a prescription; but you have no insurance or money to purchase it. You may get a referral to see a doctor; but you have no insurance, so the doctor will not see you. So, in the meantime, your health gets worse and you die like a dog!

Yes, I'm angry that Congress prefers to fight amongst them rather than to vote on legislation that will provide jobs.

Yes, I'm angry that the wealthy-greedy continue to get more wealth while the poor people get poorer.

Yes, I'm angry that my Christian liberties are being stripped away from Christians due to the religions of others.

Yes, I'm angry that many people are going to prison or are already in prison unjustly.

Yes, I'm angry that our veterans are not treated with better honored by society. However, it does appear to be getting better.

Yes, I'm angry that Universities offer and push degree courses whereby there is no market.

Yes, I'm angry that there are laws that people can shoot me if they feel that they are threatened; who can determine if one feels threaten is legitimate? Wonder if a person is just ugly and walks toward another, can that person say, I felt threatened because that ugly person was walking toward me? Do you realize that there are some people who feel threaten of ones' color?

Yes, I'm angry that car lots can sell one a car (lemon) and not be responsible or remorseful when that lemon breaks down the next day; because of a sticker "sold as is" is on the window. Many people who live pay check to pay check, who desperately need transportation are taken advantage of by car lots every day. Where are the laws that should protect the people?

Yes, I'm angry that mechanics who work on cars and not fix them; but rather makes them worse. Where are the laws that should protect the people?

Yes, I'm angry that car insurance, electric, gas, rent, etc. continues to get more expensive when the pay check is not growing; yet, one needs all of the things listed. What about buying food...don't one have a right to eat and to feed their family?

Girlfriend, that is enough for now...but I tell you, I have much more that I am angry about.


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